Плуг навесной двухкорпусный 225 р (регулируемый) "каменец"
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- img: ['https://images.ua.prom.st/617585210_plug-navesnoj-dvuhkorpusnyj.jpg']
- url: https://besplatka.ua/ru/obyavlenie/plug-navesnoi-dvuhkorpusnyi-225-r--reguliruemyi-6eb570
- City: Lviv
- description: Mounted double-furrow plow 225The double-furrow plow is used for plowing to a depth of up to 25 cm on various types of soil. In this case, soil that is not clogged with limestone, stones and other foreign objects in its composition is considered optimal. The maximum possible soil resistance is up to 0.09 MPa. The plow is driven by various tractor equipment. Feature - the ability to adjust the angle of attack. Main characteristics Condition: new Productivity, ha / hour: 0.25-0.30 Tractor power, hp: 16 - 25 Mounting type: rear Performance characteristics Number of bodies, pcs .:2 Depth of plowing, mm: 200 - 250 Total width of plowing, mm: 500 Distance between shares (max.), mm: 700 Hitch Hitch type: 3-point Weight, kg 98 Country: Ukraine Availability: In stock