Пропашной культиватор с катком кн-1,4 "володар" (

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  • img: ['https://images.ua.prom.st/678424872_kultivator-sploshnoj-obrabotki.jpg']
  • url: https://besplatka.ua/ru/obyavlenie/cultivator-sploshnoi-obrabotki-s-katkom-kn-1-4-171634
  • City: Lviv
  • description: Continuous tillage cultivator with roller KN-1,4 "Volodar"The cultivator withstands moderate mechanical obstacles on any kind of soil. It provides the removal of weeds, the necessary loosening while maintaining moisture. The presence of a roller provides additional leveling of the soil. Type - hinged. Productivity - up to 0.8 ha / h. Number of shares - 7 pcs. Depth of processing - up to 8 cm. Capture width - 1.4 m.


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